Student Activities
The Squirrel Glider Paper Plane School Education Kit contains Activity Sheets for teachers and the necessary equipment to carry out lessons on the threatened Squirrel Glider. Alternatively you could book an excursion to the Wirraminna Environmental Education Centre or a school visit with one of our experienced Environmental Educators to have them run the activity with your class.
What’s inside?
- Squirrel Glider paper planes, instructions and fact sheet
- Squirrel Glider Activity Sheets
- Squirrel Glider Habitat Management Guide
- Cat mask x 4
- Fox mask x 4
- Barbed wire (rope with pipe cleaners attached) x 3
- Laminated photo of car
- Laminated photo of nest box
- Laminated photo of Barking Owl (natural predator)
- Bull dog clips and elastic (for attaching photos to children)
- Wooden frame (to represent hollow)
- Green party hats (to represent trees) x 6
- Measuring tape x 2
- Grey lead pencils
- Notebook
Student Created Books
Albury-based high school students developed the following books in 2014 as part of the Creative Catchment Kids program. The books allow readers to understand more about our cute little marsupial locals.
- Gliding Towards a Better Future by Murray High School
- A Glider’s Tale by James Fallon High School
- Squirrel Gliders by Trinity College, Albury
These books were combined into a single multi-touch book and made available on the Apple Book Store.
In 2016, students from Burrumbuttock Public School chronicled the involvement of local landholders involved in the Squirrel Glider LAMP project. Their interviews are located in the book: “Burrumbuttock landholder’s continue their commitment to a landscape with Squirrel Gliders”.
Other resources
Squirrel Glider Fact Sheet
Squirrel Glider LAMP Project Officer has prepared a fact sheet about Squirrel Gliders, their threats and where to find them in the greater Burrumbuttock region.
Squirrel Glider Habitat Management Guide
Squirrel Glider Habitat Management Guide has also been prepared to provide practical information on the habitat requirements and management actions needed to conserve Squirrel Gliders. It contains general information on gliders as well as detailed information on their habitat needs for shelter, food and breeding.
Nest Hollows in Southern NSW
This short film clip talks about the importance of tree hollows in our landscape. There are multiple animals that rely on tree hollows which includes our Squirrel Gliders. Learn more about why hollows are important and how we can ensure they remain part of our natural landscape. This film clip was produced by Petuarus Education group with funding from Riverina Local Land Services, Murray Local Land Services and Murrumbidgee Landcare Inc.
Squirrel Glider Rescue and Release
This short film clip follows the process of rescuing a Squirrel Glider, which was found caught on a barbed-wire fence, and through to its release back into the bush. We would like to thank Hazel Cook from WIRES and Dr Nadine Miller from the Family Vet Centre in Albury for caring for our injured wildlife.